In 1996-1997 while attending graduate school, and coaching with the California State University Los Angeles Forensics team I worked with two other coaches, Josh Miller (who I still work with today), and Dustin Lee Abraham. Before I go any further it is important to clarify that the forensics I am referring to is not dead bodies, but rather speech and debate – competitive public speaking!   The three of us coached the CSLA speech team together, and prior to that each of us had competed for four years. We were what is known in the speech community as forensicators. Dustin all along however, had made it VERY known that he was in the Los Angeles area, originally from Las Vegas, because of Hollywood!   He wanted to be an actor.

The New Straits Times (Malaysia) published and article validating how important public speaking skills are for potential employers, by emphasizing how potential candidates for jobs lack the desired attributes that by nature contribute to the over all package that is a desirable employee.

According to July 23, 2010, article:

The products of our school system are generally ill-prepared either for higher education, work or life in general. Most of our undergraduates lack achievement orientation, have poor analytical writing skills, fear public speaking, and have been “conditioned” by our schooling system to be spoon-fed.